Top Speed: 359 mph
High Speed Cruise: 350 mph
Typical Cruise Speed: 300mph
Takeoff Distance: 3,300 ft
Landing Distance: 2,981 ft
Max. Operating Alt.: 35,000 ft.
Initial Cruise Alt.: 15,000 ft.
Model: (2) PTA6A-60A
Power Output: 1,050 shp (783kW)
Cabin Height: 57"
Cabin Width: 54"
Cabin Length: 19' 6"
Length: 46' 8"
Wingspan: 57' 11"
Wing Area: 310 sq.ft.
Height: 14' 4"
Maximum Ramp Weight: 15,000 lbs.
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 15,000 lbs.
Maximum Landing Weight: 15,000 lbs.
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